Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Play Date Hell

Today I watched 2 yr old Cassy. I swop with her mom (kelli) so we can both do our co-op day at pre-school. Billi did fine at their house. I was looking forward to a fun play date for Billi. Instead, Billi was her worst behaved to date. She screamed constantly because she wanted to share NOTHING. She screamed because I wouldn't let her eat Cassy's snack (I think I've been letting her get away with stealing our food too much) She tried to hit/kick Cassy. She went to time out twice (I have to physically hold her in a chair in the corner to accomplish that) At one point, about 2 hours in, she signaled to me she wanted to go to her bed. First she tried to get me to open the front door( to throw Cassy out) and she went upstairs and passed out. It was morning but she just couldn't handle this little girl being in the house. She woke up 20 minutes later and was pretty much the same. But I did get her to laugh for one photo by acting extremely silly for them. The 'attitude' photo tells the story and much as the screaming one. I was cheered up later this afternoon at the arrival of Joshi's cinderella wig. Its so bad its good. She'll make an hysterical Cinderella this Halloween.


mom said...

What's up with that little Billi? My granddaughter can't be the same child :-)

Unknown said...

Sounds like a fun time. Don't miss those days at all!